Due Date: Fri, Feb 28th, 2025
Contact Name: David Wyman, City Administrator
Contact Email: david.wyman@cityofdexter.org
Status: Open
The City of Dexter, Missouri is accepting sealed bids for taxiway and apron pavement maintenance at the Dexter Municipal Airport (State Block Grant Project No. 25-076A-1). Bids are due by 11:00 AM local time on Friday, February 28, 2025, and will be publicly opened at City Hall. The project includes tasks such as joint and crack repair, marking removal, new markings, and seal coating. Bid documents are available at City Hall, the Dexter Municipal Airport, and Drexel Technologies.
Bidders must submit a bid bond or certified check for 5% of the bid amount and provide separate performance and payment bonds. The project timeline is 40 days from the Notice-to-Proceed. Federal provisions, including Equal Employment Opportunity, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements, and Davis-Bacon Act wage compliance, apply. The contract award will be based on the lowest responsive bid. The City reserves the right to reject any bids.
Due Date: Mon, Mar 3rd, 2025
Contact Name: David Wyman, City Administrator
Contact Email: david.wyman@cityofdexter.org
Status: Open
The City of Dexter, Missouri is accepting sealed bids for the Dexter West Influent Lift Station Improvements, with bids due by 10:00 AM on March 3, 2025.
The project includes modifications to the existing wastewater treatment facility, such as the installation of new influent pumps, valves, flow controls, electrical components, yard piping, and other necessary work for a fully operational lift station. Interested parties can obtain digital plans for $30 or hard copies for $100 from Allgeier, Martin & Associates, Inc.
The bid must include a 5% security deposit, and the prevailing wage rates will apply. This contract is subject to the Build America, Buy America Act.
Due Date: Tue, Feb 25th, 2025
Contact Name: David Wyman, City Administrator
Contact Email: david.wyman@cityofdexter.org
Status: Open
The City of Dexter is inviting bids for two construction contracts related to water, sewer, and ditch improvement projects. Contract 1 involves the installation of water and sewer extensions, including gravity sewer, lift station, and waterline extensions. Contract 2 focuses on ditch shaping improvements, including rock revetment and gabion installation.
Bids must be submitted to the Dexter City Clerk's office by 10:00 AM on February 25, 2025. Full plans and specifications are available for review at Waters Engineering, Inc. in Sikeston, Missouri. Copies can be purchased for $80 (hard copy) or $25 (digital). The contract will be awarded to the lowest and most responsible bidder. All work will comply with Missouri Labor Standards, Davis-Bacon Act, and the Build America, Buy America Act.
Bidders are required to submit their bids using the provided proposal forms and cannot withdraw bids within 90 days after opening. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Due Date: Fri, Jan 24th, 2025
Contact Name: David Wyman PE, City Administrator
Contact Email: david.wyman@cityofdexter.org
Status: Closed
The City of Dexter, Missouri, is seeking statements of qualifications from qualified consultants for airfield development projects at Dexter Regional Airport (DXE). These projects may be eligible for future Federal funding through the FAA’s Airport Improvement Program and the Missouri Department of Transportation’s State Block Grant Program.
Due Date: Mon, Jan 13th, 2025
Contact Name: Jamie Rowe, Park Director
Contact Email: jamie@dexterpark-rec.com
Status: Closed
The City of Dexter is seeking qualified contractors to submit proposals for the design, supply, and installation of playground equipment, pour-in-place (PIP) safety surfacing, and concrete curbing at Sugar Plum Park. This project aims to create a safe, engaging, and ADA-compliant play area for children of all ages and abilities.
Due Date: Wed, Aug 21st, 2024
Status: Closed
The project will add additional Shared Use Path(s) in Boon Park, then connect Boon Park to Dexter Middle and Elementary Schools. Project will consist of providing a 10-foot wide concrete paved walking trail, a 10-foot wide gravel cross country trail, stormwater pipes and inlets, demolition and removals, earthwork and grading, striping and signage, seeding and mulching, and temporary traffic control. Separate sealed bids for the Dexter Shared Use Path – Phase III, TAP-2301 (005), to serve the City of Dexter will be received by the City Clerk at City Hall, until 10:00 A.M., on August 21, 2024 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The address of the City Hall is 301 E. Stoddard St., Dexter MO 63841.
Due Date: Fri, Jun 7th, 2024
Status: Closed
The City of Dexter is soliciting bids for the removal of yard waste debris at various locations located in the city limits. The yard waste debris is being removed and hauled to the city waste disposal site in the northeast quadrant of the Highway 60/Highway 25 interchange. Sealed bis will be received at the City Administrator, 301 East Stoddard Street, Dexter, MO until 5:00PM Friday, June 7, 2024. Bids should have the company name located on the outside of the envelope. Interested parties should pick up a packet at City Hall located at 301 East Stoddard Street, Dexter, MO 63841. The City of Dexter reserves the right to reject any or all bids.